Hi Darek,

We're happy to run ResearchGate. No problems.

Best wishes,


On 28/11/2017 15:55, Dariusz Kloza [VUB] wrote:
dear all-STAR partners,

after some brainstorming here, we suggest as follows re the STAR website & social media accounts 

  1. VUB will run the project’s website, it will be live in late December 
  2. VUB will run the Twitter account too
  3. TRI will run ResearchGate for this project

please let us know if you agree with these. 

in parallel, @NAIH: can you pls make a link to the press release on your landing page at www.naih.hu ? thanks! 

thx & best,

Dariusz Kloza, LL.M.
d.pia.lab   |   Brussels Laboratory for Data Protection & Privacy Impact Assessments
Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)   |   Faculty of Law and Criminology
Room 4B306, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene, Brussels, Belgium
dariusz.kloza@vub.ac.be   |   vub.ac.be/LSTS   |   dpialab.org   |   +32 2 629 11 96   |   @DarekKloza
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Trilateral Research Ltd
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