Dear all, 

Almost all information that is necessary for the completion of the grant agreement has been entered into the EC portal.

Part A: the missing points include:

Part B: we have prepared a draft Annex B. For it to be completed we need to agree upon changes that we are going to make in the DOW based on the comments provided in the evaluation form. These comments concern:

The scope of the project: 

The hotline:


Could you please provide your suggestions on how we should address comments made in the evaluation by COB 9 April?

Best regards,

Lina Jasmontaite

Doctoral researcher 

Law, Science, Technology and Society (LSTS)

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)  

Brussels Privacy Hub (BPH)  

Room 4B306, Pleinlaan 2, 1050

Brussels, Belgium || ||