Hi Istavan,


Here's our contribution.

We should be able to provide you with the financial part for section 3 on Wednesday next week.


best wishes,



Dr David Barnard-Wills

Research Manager

Trilateral Research Ltd


Twitter: @dbarnardwills, @trilateral_UK


Working hours: 9.30-14.45 GMT Mon,Tues,Thurs,Fri.




Crown House

72 Hammersmith Road


W14 8TH



From: star-bounces@listserv.vub.ac.be <star-bounces@listserv.vub.ac.be> On Behalf Of nagy.renata@naih.hu
Sent: 16 November 2018 12:39
To: 'Istvan Mate BOROCZ' <Istvan.Mate.Borocz@vub.be>; 'STAR' <star@listserv.vub.ac.be>
Cc: 'Pieter VLEKKEN' <Pieter.Vlekken@vub.be>
Subject: Re: [star] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] STAR D1.1 progress report contribution request


Dear István!


Please find enclosed the progress report, the parts concerning the NAIH are filled out (yellow).






From: star-bounces@listserv.vub.ac.be <star-bounces@listserv.vub.ac.be> On Behalf Of Istvan Mate BOROCZ
Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:11 PM
To: STAR <star@listserv.vub.ac.be>
Cc: Pieter VLEKKEN <Pieter.Vlekken@vub.be>
Subject: [star] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] STAR D1.1 progress report contribution request


Dear all,


D1.1 Progress report is due in M13 (end of this month). Please find attached the draft and fill out the missing parts, in particular:


Please send your contributions by 16 November Friday the latest.






István Böröcz, LL.M.


d.pia.lab   |   Brussels Laboratory for Data Protection & Privacy Impact Assessments

Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS)   |   Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

Room 4C339, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

http://secure-web.cisco.com/1S756XIHr__lGefow0vPipDLuX-qJCyczs8evUplPwsecMOibD82IUkZLhNgDQZolxtkgufutB_EG6ss4V3p58tqK5GtakvhYTX9JwZ0BRn1P_gTkZRDJmNIqXHHC3E9E9OZ8Fe63Bao1cKkGQzIQu2K4bhyca7yO15Ek40mekjFMX3CvFD2v-jnOjk0uHlUI1bSRxh-PNFVwnWvdzG6KnCpOR3b4IwYdByhRGdpskPutSbNyRQuRxzWrHfpumhDmmhnA8v1Ia3hXClT8t75lZg/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vub.ac.be%2FLSTS%2F   |   http://secure-web.cisco.com/11ZmxlIPDhbuV_dH8CyCrWALS5XzC4UnNIZP84LD7g7yhvT4MJgFFeKEqTZp0Hzn50vdmt-bslZwIqmOLfoJjbYtmT4b3DPvRG_wrBoTs-GH1IbnmCvqsbiHSfwe-tTVxWq0e6dOu8s-5LOmxDNeHZlSGsko2e2MdN8dixCyS7WNhGT9ITVkRjgfOFRyA-MOi5vtE_wUT5V5EGHS47KL-l419rDOCxzrX2EWfu0HUnLl0R2QUXMIxIn68xleXd2dI-Pyz2Jp_nogPhhg8IiobpQ/http%3A%2F%2Fdpialab.brussels




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